December 16, 2009

More on nickle allergies

In an earlier post, it was noted that eczema is part of the atopic triad and thus people with atopic dermatitis often also have allergies or asthma. Contact dermatitis --an allergic reaction to something touching your skin--can often be confused with atopic dermatitis. After a round of allergy testing suggested by my dermatologist several years ago, I learned I had a nickel allergy, which was causing reactions that looked like eczema on my neck from the jewelry I was wearing. A devoted reader (full disclosure: the devoted reader is actually my step-dad!), brought to my attention a Wall Street Journal article that said last year, nickel was named the "Allergen of the Year"!

Apparently the number of people with nickel allergies had been growing and people can develop reactions even after years of having no problems with nickel. And it is not just jewelry that can cause problems. It turns out nickel is in some cell phones, leading to rashes on people's ears and faces. Due to the rise in allergies, the EU has actually placed restrictions on its use. If you are allergic to nickel, you can order a kit online to test jewelry and other objects. If it is something you just can't get rid of, coating it with clear nail polish can form a temporary barrier.

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